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Study Ref. Design studied treatmentcontrol treatmentpatientsstudy risk of biassample sizes Results

COVID-19 severe or critically meta-analysis

RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
53/52 inconclusive
  • inconclusive 58 % increase in clinical improvement (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
49/51 inconclusive
  • inconclusive 12 % increase in viral clearance (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
31/31 suggested
  • suggested 6.3-fold increase in clinical improvement,clinical improvement (28-day) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
RCTimmunoglobulin therapy standard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
50/50 suggested
  • suggested 35.4-fold increase in viral clearance ,viral clearance by day 14 with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
EudCT 2020-001632-10
RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallylow
43/47 inconclusive
    REMAP-CAP (plasma)
    RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallylow
    1095/916 safety concern
    • statistically significant 1.3-fold increase in serious adverse events with a high degree of certainty due to low risk of bias
    Sekine (PLACOVID)
    RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
    80/80 inconclusive
    • inconclusive 6 % decrease in clinical improvement,clinical improvement (28-day) (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
    RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
    20/20 inconclusive
    • inconclusive 33 % decrease in mechanical ventilation (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
    RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
    52/51 inconclusive
    • inconclusive 40 % increase in clinical improvement,clinical improvement (time to event analysis only) (PE) with a moderate degree of certainty due to some concern in risk of bias
    PICP19 (Ray)
    RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or critically
    bias due to deviations from intended interventions some concern
    bias due to missing outcome data low
    bias in measurement of the primary outcome low
    bias in selection of the reported result high
    " >high
    40/40 inconclusive Rasheed RCTconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
    21/28 inconclusive Tabarsi
    IRCT20151227025726N2 RCTimmunoglobulin therapy standard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallysome concern
    52/32 inconclusive Bihariesingh-Sanchit (SuriCovid)
    ISRCTN18304314 NRaconvalescent plasma treatmentstandard of careCOVID-19 severe or criticallyNA
    28/50 uncontrolled

    PE: primary endpoint; (a): to be demonstrated a result must be statistically significant on a primary endpoint (with multiplicity adjustment if necessary);
    Study risk of bias assessed for the study primary endpoint(s) or the main endpoints in case of no formally defined primary endpoint(s).