published meta-analysis   sensitivity analysis   studies

Immunosuppressants drugs in COVID-19 severe or critically - Summary of results

OutcomeTE95% CInkI2ROBPub. bias death D28detailed resultsCORIMUNO-TOCI-ICU (Group 2), 2020 0.64 [0.23; 1.80] COV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022 0.54 [0.31; 0.95] COVACTA (Rosas), 2020 1.02 [0.62; 1.68] Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021 0.95 [0.65; 1.39] Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021 0.40 [0.03; 6.18] Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021 0.15 [0.01; 4.34] Talaschian, 2021 1.56 [0.34; 7.13] Veiga, 2021 2.70 [0.92; 7.92] 0.90[0.64; 1.26]CORIMUNO-TOCI-ICU (Group 2), 2020, COV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022, COVACTA (Rosas), 2020, Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021, Talaschian, 2021, Veiga, 2021828%1,461moderatenot evaluable deathsdetailed resultsCORIMUNO-TOCI-1 (Group 1), 2020 0.92 [0.31; 2.71] CORIMUNO-TOCI-ICU (Group 2), 2020 0.64 [0.23; 1.80] COV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022 0.54 [0.31; 0.95] COVACTA (Rosas), 2020 1.16 [0.73; 1.84] Lescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021 1.23 [0.49; 3.12] Lescure (Sarilumab 400mg), 2021 0.97 [0.38; 2.50] REMAP-CAP (tocilizumab), 2021 0.70 [0.51; 0.95] Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021 0.95 [0.65; 1.39] Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021 0.40 [0.03; 6.18] Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021 0.15 [0.01; 4.34] Talaschian, 2021 1.25 [0.30; 5.14] Veiga, 2021 2.70 [0.92; 7.92] 0.87[0.70; 1.09]CORIMUNO-TOCI-1 (Group 1), 2020, CORIMUNO-TOCI-ICU (Group 2), 2020, COV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022, COVACTA (Rosas), 2020, Lescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021, Lescure (Sarilumab 400mg), 2021, REMAP-CAP (tocilizumab), 2021, Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021, Talaschian, 2021, Veiga, 20211216%2,856moderatelow deaths (time to event analysis only)detailed resultsCOVACTA (Rosas), 2020 1.16 [0.73; 1.84] Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021 0.95 [0.65; 1.39] Talaschian, 2021 1.25 [0.30; 5.14] 1.04[0.78; 1.38]COVACTA (Rosas), 2020, Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021, Talaschian, 202130%1,132moderatenot evaluable clinical deteriorationdetailed resultsCORIMUNO-TOCI-1 (Group 1), 2020 0.56 [0.26; 1.20] 0.56[0.26; 1.20]CORIMUNO-TOCI-1 (Group 1), 202010%130NAnot evaluable clinical improvementdetailed resultsCOV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022 2.87 [1.12; 7.36] COVACTA (Rosas), 2020 1.19 [0.81; 1.75] Lescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021 1.03 [0.75; 1.41] REMAP-CAP (tocilizumab), 2021 1.64 [1.25; 2.15] Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021 2.50 [0.16; 38.60] Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021 3.00 [0.20; 45.25] 1.38[1.04; 1.82]COV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022, COVACTA (Rosas), 2020, Lescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021, REMAP-CAP (tocilizumab), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021640%1,566moderatenot evaluable clinical improvement (14-day)detailed resultsCOV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022 1.97 [0.95; 4.09] 1.97[0.95; 4.09]COV-BARRIER (critically ill), 202210%101NAnot evaluable clinical improvement (28-day)detailed resultsCOV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022 1.82 [0.87; 3.81] COVACTA (Rosas), 2020 1.19 [0.81; 1.75] Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021 2.50 [0.16; 38.60] Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021 3.00 [0.20; 45.25] 1.33[0.95; 1.87]COV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022, COVACTA (Rosas), 2020, Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 202140%564moderatenot evaluable clinical improvement (time to event analysis only)detailed resultsLescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021 1.03 [0.75; 1.41] Lescure (Sarilumab 400mg), 2021 1.14 [0.84; 1.54] 1.09[0.87; 1.35]Lescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021, Lescure (Sarilumab 400mg), 202120%506moderatenot evaluable death or ventilationdetailed resultsCORIMUNO-TOCI-1 (Group 1), 2020 0.56 [0.24; 1.31] Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021 0.98 [0.72; 1.34] Veiga, 2021 1.54 [0.65; 3.63] 0.96[0.65; 1.43]CORIMUNO-TOCI-1 (Group 1), 2020, Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021, Veiga, 2021326%909moderatenot evaluable hospital dischargedetailed resultsRosas (REMDACTA), 2021 0.97 [0.79; 1.20] 0.97[0.79; 1.20]Rosas (REMDACTA), 202110%649NAnot evaluable mechanical ventilationdetailed resultsCOVACTA (Rosas), 2020 0.67 [0.39; 1.14] Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021 0.09 [0.00; 2.48] Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021 0.08 [0.00; 2.07] 0.36[0.09; 1.48]COVACTA (Rosas), 2020, Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021331%298moderatenot evaluable ICU admissiondetailed resultsCOVACTA (Rosas), 2020 0.48 [0.25; 0.94] 0.48[0.25; 0.94]COVACTA (Rosas), 202010%191NAnot evaluable recoverydetailed resultsCOV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022 1.57 [0.77; 3.20] Talaschian, 2021 0.64 [0.14; 2.92] 1.30[0.64; 2.66]COV-BARRIER (critically ill), 2022, Talaschian, 202129%137lownot evaluable related AE (TRAE)detailed resultsSingh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021 2.50 [0.16; 38.60] Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021 0.38 [0.01; 13.93] 1.26[0.14; 11.07]Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 202120%25moderatenot evaluable serious adverse eventsdetailed resultsCOVACTA (Rosas), 2020 0.81 [0.54; 1.22] Lescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021 1.15 [0.62; 2.12] Lescure (Sarilumab 400mg), 2021 1.38 [0.76; 2.51] Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021 0.83 [0.59; 1.18] Talaschian, 2021 7.93 [0.37; 171.38] Veiga, 2021 1.66 [0.60; 4.59] 0.99[0.77; 1.28]COVACTA (Rosas), 2020, Lescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021, Lescure (Sarilumab 400mg), 2021, Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021, Talaschian, 2021, Veiga, 2021616%1,747moderateserious adverse eventsdetailed resultsCOVACTA (Rosas), 2020 0.87 [0.52; 1.45] Lescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021 0.97 [0.56; 1.69] Lescure (Sarilumab 400mg), 2021 1.31 [0.76; 2.27] Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021 1.32 [0.92; 1.89] Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021 0.45 [0.01; 16.71] Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021 0.04 [0.00; 1.01] Veiga, 2021 1.65 [0.81; 3.37] 1.14[0.87; 1.50]COVACTA (Rosas), 2020, Lescure (Sarilumab 200mg), 2021, Lescure (Sarilumab 400mg), 2021, Rosas (REMDACTA), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 1mg), 2021, Singh (TD-0903 3mg), 2021, Veiga, 2021722%1,736moderatenot evaluable0.25.01.0relative treatment effectwww.metaEvidence.org2025-03-09 15:48 +01:00

TE: relative treatment effect (measured by a risk ratio, an odds ratio or an hazard ratio depending on what is reported in the papers); k: number of studies; n: total number of patients; ROB: risk of bias (ROB 2.0); Pub. bias: publication bias; OBS: observational studies; RCT: randomized clinical trials
studied treatment is better when TE > 1; studied treatment is better when TE < 1;

pathologies: 91 - treatments: 596,1437,600,652,557,635,1236,553,628,646,645,607,395,920,1438,927,932,931,1263,599,614,942,1436,928,923,535,1046,727,818,606,954,964,962,963,1045,638,677,627,533,526 - roots T: 290