published meta-analysis   sensitivity analysis   studies

immunoglobulin therapy in COVID 19 hospitalized - Summary of results

OutcomeTE95% CInkI2ROBPub. bias death D28detailed resultsRaman, 2021 0.49 [0.02; 15.10] Sakoulas, 2020 0.29 [0.03; 3.13] Tabarsi, 2020 1.10 [0.45; 2.67] 0.90[0.40; 2.03]Raman, 2021, Sakoulas, 2020, Tabarsi, 202030%218moderatenot evaluable deathsdetailed resultsRaman, 2021 0.49 [0.02; 15.10] Sakoulas, 2020 0.29 [0.03; 3.13] Tabarsi, 2020 1.10 [0.45; 2.67] 0.90[0.40; 2.03]Raman, 2021, Sakoulas, 2020, Tabarsi, 202030%218moderatenot evaluable mechanical ventilationdetailed resultsSakoulas, 2020 0.19 [0.03; 1.11] Tabarsi, 2020 1.49 [0.59; 3.78] 0.61[0.08; 4.52]Sakoulas, 2020, Tabarsi, 2020276%118moderatenot evaluable radiologic improvement (14-day)detailed resultsTabarsi, 2020 2.33 [0.45; 12.00] 2.33[0.45; 12.00]Tabarsi, 202010%84NAnot evaluable viral clearance detailed resultsOut of scaleRaman, 2021 36.42 [10.85; 122.18] 36.42[10.85; 122.18]Raman, 202110%100NAnot evaluable viral clearance by day 14detailed resultsOut of scaleRaman, 2021 36.42 [10.85; 122.18] 36.42[10.85; 122.18]Raman, 202110%100NAnot evaluable ICU admissiondetailed resultsTabarsi, 2020 0.56 [0.18; 1.74] 0.56[0.18; 1.74]Tabarsi, 202010%84NAnot evaluable serious adverse eventsdetailed resultsRaman, 2021 0.49 [0.02; 15.10] 0.49[0.02; 15.10]Raman, 202110%100NAnot evaluable adverse eventsdetailed resultsRaman, 2021 1.36 [0.56; 3.30] Sakoulas, 2020 1.00 [0.02; 53.46] 1.34[0.56; 3.18]Raman, 2021, Sakoulas, 202020%134moderatenot evaluable0.220.01.0relative treatment effectwww.metaEvidence.org2025-03-09 03:48 +01:00

TE: relative treatment effect (measured by a risk ratio, an odds ratio or an hazard ratio depending on what is reported in the papers); k: number of studies; n: total number of patients; ROB: risk of bias (ROB 2.0); Pub. bias: publication bias; OBS: observational studies; RCT: randomized clinical trials
studied treatment is better when TE > 1; studied treatment is better when TE < 1;

pathologies: 95,94,90,91 - treatments: 521 - roots T: 290