published meta-analysis   sensitivity analysis   studies

lopinavir/ritonavir in COVID 19 hospitalized - Summary of results

OutcomeTE95% CInkI2ROBPub. bias death or transfer to ICUdetailed resultsRECOVERY, 2020 1.09 [0.99; 1.20] 1.09[0.99; 1.20]RECOVERY, 202010%4,836NAnot evaluable deathsdetailed resultsCao, 2020 0.71 [0.36; 1.40] RECOVERY, 2020 1.03 [0.91; 1.17] REMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 2020 0.83 [0.65; 1.06] SOLIDARITY (lopi/rito), 2020 1.00 [0.79; 1.26] 0.98[0.88; 1.09]Cao, 2020, RECOVERY, 2020, REMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 2020, SOLIDARITY (lopi/rito), 202046%8,655moderatenot evaluable deaths (time to event analysis only)detailed resultsREMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 2020 0.83 [0.65; 1.06] 0.83[0.65; 1.06]REMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 202010%645NAnot evaluable clinical deteriorationdetailed resultsELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 2020 3.69 [0.37; 36.57] 3.69[0.37; 36.57]ELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 202010%28NAnot evaluable clinical improvementdetailed resultsCao, 2020 1.31 [0.94; 1.83] 1.31[0.94; 1.83]Cao, 202010%NAnot evaluable clinical improvement (14-day)detailed resultsCao, 2020 1.94 [1.09; 3.48] REMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 2020 0.85 [0.64; 1.12] 1.23[0.55; 2.76]Cao, 2020, REMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 2020284%844moderatenot evaluable clinical improvement (28-day)detailed resultsCao, 2020 1.59 [0.84; 3.03] 1.59[0.84; 3.03]Cao, 202010%199NAnot evaluable clinical improvement (7-day)detailed resultsCao, 2020 3.16 [0.62; 16.06] 3.16[0.62; 16.06]Cao, 202010%199NAnot evaluable clinical improvement (time to event analysis only)detailed resultsCao, 2020 1.31 [0.94; 1.83] 1.31[0.94; 1.83]Cao, 202010%NAnot evaluable hospital dischargedetailed resultsRECOVERY, 2020 0.98 [0.91; 1.05] REMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 2020 0.83 [0.69; 1.00] 0.92[0.79; 1.08]RECOVERY, 2020, REMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 2020262%5,685moderatenot evaluable radiologic improvement (14-day)detailed resultsELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 2020 0.48 [0.02; 11.28] 0.48[0.02; 11.28]ELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 202010%25NAnot evaluable radiologic improvement (7-day)detailed resultsELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 2020 0.10 [0.00; 2.09] 0.10[0.00; 2.09]ELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 202010%25NAnot evaluable viral clearance detailed resultsELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 2020 1.28 [0.19; 8.76] 1.28[0.19; 8.76]ELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 202010%28NAnot evaluable viral clearance by day 14detailed resultsELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 2020 1.28 [0.19; 8.76] 1.28[0.19; 8.76]ELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 202010%28NAnot evaluable viral clearance by day 7detailed resultsELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 2020 0.30 [0.05; 1.91] 0.30[0.05; 1.91]ELACOI (lopinavir/ritonavir), 202010%28NAnot evaluable serious adverse eventsdetailed resultsCao, 2020 0.52 [0.27; 1.01] REMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 2020 1.57 [0.70; 3.49] 0.88[0.30; 2.58]Cao, 2020, REMAP-CAP (lopinavir/ritonavir only), 2020277%811moderatenot evaluable0.05.01.0relative treatment effectwww.metaEvidence.org2025-03-09 03:51 +01:00

TE: relative treatment effect (measured by a risk ratio, an odds ratio or an hazard ratio depending on what is reported in the papers); k: number of studies; n: total number of patients; ROB: risk of bias (ROB 2.0); Pub. bias: publication bias; OBS: observational studies; RCT: randomized clinical trials
studied treatment is better when TE > 1; studied treatment is better when TE < 1;

pathologies: 95,94,90,91 - treatments: 509 - roots T: 290