published meta-analysis   sensitivity analysis   studies

antiviral and associated therapy in COVID-19 severe or critically - Summary of results

OutcomeTE95% CInkI2ROBPub. bias deathsdetailed resultsGalan, 2021 0.94 [0.51; 1.73] 0.94[0.51; 1.73]Galan, 202110%168NAnot evaluable deaths (time to event analysis only)detailed resultsGalan, 2021 0.94 [0.51; 1.73] 0.94[0.51; 1.73]Galan, 202110%168NAnot evaluable mechanical ventilationdetailed resultsGalan, 2021 0.14 [0.03; 0.71] 0.14[0.03; 0.71]Galan, 202110%168NAnot evaluable ICU admissiondetailed resultsGalan, 2021 1.42 [0.68; 2.99] 1.42[0.68; 2.99]Galan, 202110%168NAnot evaluable0.02.01.0relative treatment effectwww.metaEvidence.org2024-09-27 22:55 +02:00

TE: relative treatment effect (measured by a risk ratio, an odds ratio or an hazard ratio depending on what is reported in the papers); k: number of studies; n: total number of patients; ROB: risk of bias (ROB 2.0); Pub. bias: publication bias; OBS: observational studies; RCT: randomized clinical trials
studied treatment is better when TE > 1; studied treatment is better when TE < 1;

pathologies: 91 - treatments: 545,1253,519,619,537,514,688,529,508,656,657,832,530,512,515,754,1142,1419,513,884,632,559,889,956,684,886,631,574,509,542,1145,555,554,941,961,1250,633,676,518,532,510,528,520,955,815,893,623,622,630,593,569,516,814 - roots T: 290